Something is in the wind. I can feel it deep inside.
Perhaps it is my Creator urging me on, to experience the joy of creating... even if it is only a minutely miniscule fraction of the joy He felt when creating me.
Private, God-loving, seclusion-loving, home-loving, domesticity-loving, author Gladys Taber-loving, animal-rescuing woman in midlife, who lives on two acres of woods with her family... human, plant & animal.
My man has been so for 34 years thus far. He is and has always been a good partner and friend. Is he perfect or sinless? No. But neither am I so we make a good pair.
My oldest daughter is 28, married, and mother to my first beautiful grandbaby (with 2nd beautiful grandbaby due on our 35th wedding anniversary... 4/24/11). She works in the fast-paced corporate computer world, which suits her perfectly. A love for the land comes from the heart and can not be instilled by infusion. This daughter prefers a sandy beach over grass, but did buy her first house in Nov '09 which has a very grassy front & back yard for grandbabe to play in. They moved from a 2-bedroom apt. on the lakefront. We'll see if the water & sand call her name ever again.
My only son is 23. He lives here at home and took a leave-of-absence from his job, back in February, to help out the family in a big way when my mom became bedbound. A true love of the outdoors he does not have, but the desire for a simple kind of life is ingrained in him. He often helps me in cat & animal rescuing.
My youngest daughter is 13. She is my multi-cultural child that came to me through adoption. She was 11 weeks old when she came into my life. She's quick to turn her thoughts into words, has a definite point of view, wants what she wants and wants it right now. She is the child most like me!! Isn't it funny how fate works.
My 90 year old mother has lived with us for almost 8 years now. She has been bedbound since February '08 and now weighs 50 lbs. We are trying as best we can to ease her transition from this earthy world to the Next. She is more than ready to see what Heaven holds for her.
Mom passed away October 6, 2008 at 11:48pm.
She died in her own bed,
on her own terms,
without medical intervention...
with loving people around her,
holding her hands and praying...
whispering to her that everything was going to be alright.
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